Is Your Company “Millennial-Ready”? released an article accompanied by the infographic:“Millennials and the Future of Insurance.” As a millennial, I was expecting a Cat Meme, a two-liner I could double-tap, a comment with an emoji, or perhaps a half-flirt with the aspiring Insta-model who commented before me, and then wipe it all from my short-term, instant-gratification memory.
However, I mustered the few brain cells I had that weren’t distracted by the 8 iMessages and 12 Snaps that came in since I started typing, and read through the thing.
Overall the infographic is great, the young ‘uns pictured in the top left corner are wearing sunglasses, and are probably hanging out inside a ‘Dunkin-Bucks’. The guy is holding what seems to be an iPhone (you’re not supposed to know it’s an iPhone, as the logo is half covered, but c’mon, we recognize product placement when we see it!). And the girl is obviously wearing a pair of TOMS, so I know she cares about sustainability.
The graphic goes on to define the millennial, as if our $1.5 trillion annual spending power is anything you can define. Have you seen how many followers Dan Bilzerian has? THAT’S the definition of spending power. Literally, I think he uses joules of energy as his currency!
But I digress…Back to the infographic:
It also mentions that 74% of millennials believe technology makes life easier and will look to the internet to make purchasing decisions. No, I would say that 99% of us millennials look to the internet to make 100% of our decisions. Ever see a couple almost break up over where they want to eat? If it wasn’t for the 4.7-star Vietnamese place around the corner, I’d still be with Miss-3.5 star “No-You-Pick, No-You-Pick”
What does any of this have to do with the Insurance industry? Millennials are mobile, well connected, and we need to be contacted in the same fashion. Quick…name a real life State Farm Agent! Jack? No, his late-night pleated khakis aren’t going to sell me Commercial GL insurance for my GoPro sporting Alpaca Farm on Kickstarter. Now, an all-digital claims app with rewards points to Amazon? Swipe right and let’s chat!
Click HERE to view the entire infographic.