If You Don’t Ask, the Answer Will Always Be No
It’s funny how little credit people give to themselves, and others. I recently came across a scenario where I was on the fence about reaching out to a past business connection regarding an opportunity I was recruiting on…It had been several years since we had spoken-would they remember me?
I mulled it over and over in my mind and finally decided to pick up the phone. I eventually connected with this person and while she couldn’t directly help me, I was referred to someone who could. After I hung up the phone I asked myself, “Why did you hesitate for even one second? People are more willing to help than you think. All you have to do is ASK!
So it got me thinking: What motivates people to help others?
It feels good
Plain and simple, helping others makes you feel good and it capitalizes on the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ That is, unless you have no soul.
Networking benefits
Helping others is a great way to grow your career network. If someone helps you and at some point the tables turn and they reach out to you, you’ll be more likely to return the favor. I call it good networking Karma!
It’s good for business
If you make helping others part of your business goals, then the ideal clients will come to you and will refer you to their networks… And we all know referrals are the best way to gain business.
Moral of the story: I won’t hesitate to reach out to a personal or professional contact again, and certainly not when one contacts me…If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no!